
2023.07.15 ~ 2023.08.26

Taipei City

Exhibition Details:

2023.07.15 ~ 2023.08.26


踏入「花與貓咪的奇幻世界」藝術展,大橋麻理子、Jaz Harold和Torico三位藝術家將帶您進入童真、溫柔和神秘的世界。麻理子的美術拼貼展現多層次的時間觀念,激發思考物質和身體的意義。Jaz的雕塑作品展現女性氣質和純洁,紡織品、花朵和粉彩色彩營造純真氛圍。Torico以獨特的繪畫方式融入貓咪元素,展現愛與創造力。展覽中,女性獨立自主之美、貓咪神秘魅力、花的盛放和童真氛圍相互交融,帶來愉悅視覺饗宴,呼喚人們重新發現生活中的美麗和自由。加入這些元素,展覽讓人放鬆身心,重拾對自然和夢幻的熱愛。踏入這場充滿生命力、溫柔和想像力的時光之旅!

  • Jaz Harold, an artist specializing in sculpture, locates in New York. Her artistic creations reflect the concepts of purification, catharsis, and growth, while intentionally captivating an air of childlike innocence. Jaz's artwork possesses a tender and welcoming quality, incorporating luxurious textiles, blossoming flowers, and soft pastel shades. Her pieces exude a simultaneous essence of femininity, sensuality, and purity. To counter a society that intertwines sexuality with feelings of shame and guilt, Jaz skillfully produces gentle, accessible, and occasionally lighthearted portrayals of subjects such as sex, love, and personal development.

  • Mariko Ohashi employs collage as a technique for depicting time, creating a complex and interconnected realm of images. Ohashi's artistic creations go beyond mere paintings, incorporating multiple layers and folded compositions that evoke a sense of hand-drawn imprints. Through her work, she prompts us to contemplate painting as more than just visual representations but as objects or tangible remnants. Additionally, Ohashi's pieces invite introspection into the concept of time itself and our connection to it. In an era characterized by digitalization and the diminishing significance of physicality, Ohashi's art possesses the capacity to stimulate contemplation about the significance of materials, painting, and the human form.

  • Torico primarily using acrylic paints for her artworks and enjoying employing different painting techniques to present her pieces. She refers to herself as a cat lover, and many of her works incorporate elements of cats, indicating the significant role they play in her life. Torico is also a member of the art group "COMIC HEADS" and has been collaborating with her partner Sota on numerous live painting pieces since 2015. Furthermore, Torico has exhibited her artwork not only in Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, London, and Berlin but also in other cities.

Jaz Harold

Mariko Ohashi
